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[uCOSuCOS-II用Keil 7_5 for 51

Description: uCOS-II在51单片机上的移植,用Keil 7.5编译通过,希望对移植uCOS的人以启发和帮助。-uCOS-II microcontroller in the 51 transplants, with Keil 7.5 compile, and I hope to transplant uCOS people to inspire and help.
Platform: | Size: 478208 | Author: 李招您 | Hits:


Description: 在W78E58处理器上移植的uCOS-II 适用于keil,稍微修改可用于所有的51系列-in W78E58 processors transplant uCOS-II applicable to Keil, slightly modified to be used in all 51 series
Platform: | Size: 1184768 | Author: 姚建业 | Hits:

[uCOSucos 51 lcd原代码

Description: uC/OS-II在C51下的一个完整的LCD项目源码,ucos 2.0 在C51下应用的一个完整工程,用到了SED1330(LCD320x240), 小汉字库自动提取,字库文件自动生成。-uC/OS-II in the C51 a complete LCD-source projects, CENTER 2.0 C51 under the application of a complete project, uses SED1330 (LCD320x240), small Store automatic extraction, font file is automatically generated.
Platform: | Size: 318464 | Author: cguo | Hits:


Description: 51系列单片机的UCOSII......压缩包一个.还不错吧-51 Series MCU UCOSII ...... compressed one. It is also good
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: 张房 | Hits:

[SCM2005版 uCOS C51移植心得

Description: 51上运行UCOSII,你要是想移植,但是不会,可以看看,有启发-51 UCOSII run, if you want to transplant, but will not, can see that enlightening
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 张奕玮 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop在51移植的ucos2源代码 UCOS2_KEIL

Description: 在51移植的ucos2源代码 UCOS2_KEIL-in 51 transplant ucos2 source UCOS2_KEIL
Platform: | Size: 183296 | Author: 陈建文 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopuCOS-II在C51下的一个完整的LCD项目源码

Description: uCOS-II在C51下的一个完整的LCD项目源码.rar-uCOS-II in the C51 a complete LCD-source projects. Rar
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 章程 | Hits:


Description: 该文档是OCOSII在51单片机上移置时,对整个移置过程的分析说明,并根据自己移置经验,举出了一个例子-OCOSII in 51 MCU relocated, the process of moving the entire home's analysis shows that, and in accordance with their own experience shifting, cited an example
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: 喻志勇 | Hits:


Description: 不用说了,uC/OS2.51官方源代码,此外结合本人心得体会增加了详细地说明,希望对初次使用者能起到一定的帮助作用。适用于uC/OS-II开发工具Borland C3.1剪裁版。 -Needless to say, uC/OS2.51 official source, in addition to combine my experiences increased detailed description, and I hope to first-time users can play a role to help. In uC/OS-II development tool Borland tailoring version of Outlook.
Platform: | Size: 892928 | Author: xuke | Hits:


Description: uCOS-II的移植代码 for 8051,移植的详细细节在程序中的注释部分已经非常详尽了,这里就不多说了-for uCOS-II code for transplantation 8051, transplantation further details of the proceedings of the Notes have a very detailed, I am not going to talk a lot
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: huangdong0781 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programuCOS-II_2.52_for_805

Description: uCOS-II_2.52在51上的移植程序-uCOS-II_2.52 in 51 on the transplant procedure
Platform: | Size: 3383296 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 详细介绍了uCOS-II2.52在C8051F020上移植的详细实操步骤,只要按部就班就能成功。另附了移植相关的源码。全部源码在另一个下载中-Described in detail in uCOS-II2.52 transplantation C8051F020 on the detailed steps fuck it, as long as the step-by-step can be successful. Followed by a transplant-related source. All source code in another Download
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 缪德芳 | Hits:


Description: UCOSII在51单片机上的移植,有LED显示实验等,已测试通过。-51 SCM in UCOSII the transplant, the experiment has LED display and so on, have been tested.
Platform: | Size: 914432 | Author: popo zhang | Hits:


Description: 51单片机嵌入ucos实例.通过此模块可以对其它型号的51系列单片机进行移值-51 examples of single-chip embedded uCOS. This module can be passed to other models of 51 series single-chip microcomputer for the transplant
Platform: | Size: 234496 | Author: powersunsy | Hits:


Description: ucos实时操作系统源代码,适用于51单片机,运行速度不错,推荐!-ucos real-time operating system source code, applied to 51 single-chip, running good, recommend!
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 三晚不过岗 | Hits:


Description: 51上面的UCOS编程 基本实现了液晶 LED 和按键 AD等外设功能 适合学习-51 above the basic achievement of programming UCOS LCD AD, such as LED and key peripheral functions suitable for learning
Platform: | Size: 348160 | Author: liu | Hits:


Description: 基于51的ucosII的一个简单应用,可以帮助初学者更好的了解ucos-51 ucosII based on a simple application that can help beginners better understand ucosII
Platform: | Size: 200704 | Author: ▕︷嗏O o 洣 | Hits:


Description: 51单片机上跑uCOS-II操作系统 1.在新建工程的时候Source Group 1 要选择SRC。 2.浮点库C51BFPC.LIB要加入。 3.一定要选择大模式。-51 MCU run on uCOS-II operating system 1. In new construction when the Source Group 1 to select SRC. 2. C51BFPC.LIB floating-point libraries to join. 3. Be sure to select large models.
Platform: | Size: 433152 | Author: ouyang | Hits:


Description: 运行在51单片机平台的UCOSII的嵌入式实时系统,软件平台为KEIL。很不错的。-51 MCU platform, running on UCOSII embedded real-time systems, software platform KEIL. Is very good.
Platform: | Size: 266240 | Author: llhg | Hits:


Description: UCOS移植在51单片机上并带有PROTUES仿真,非常适合UCOS的初学者,生动形象-UCOS transplantation in 51, and with the PROTUES SCM simulation, very suitable for beginners UCOS, vivid image of the
Platform: | Size: 1779712 | Author: 李成龙 | Hits:
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